Join us this Sunday Morning at 10:00 and get enrolled in a Connection Groups Bible Study Classes. These classes are geared to fit different needs in your life as well as help you grow as a Christian and find new Christians to connect with. You will have the option to pick your own class and that will be your class for thirteen weeks; after, you will be able to enroll into a class that you have not been a part of. Classes are currently on hold and will resume back again shortly

Always Rejoicing
A Study in the Book of Philippians

Every believer desires to experience the abundant joy that Jesus Christ promised! Yet, many Christians seem to mistakenly believe that joy "just happens." It's as though they are waiting for some fantastic event to occur that will produce instant joy. God's truth is that joy is a by-product of a right relationship with Jesus Christ. It's not a commodity but rather a character! Joy comes from willingly living within the parameters of God's truth and His promises. This class examines the book of Philippians which presents one of the greatest studies on faithful, joyful living. This study will encourage and equip you to walk with joy through every circumstance and trial of the Christian life.

Grace for the Pace
Finding God's Grace for Your Daily Race

In a fast-paced world of heavy demands and competing responsibilities, spiritual survival is a challenge. Yet God offers a resource to His children that enables them to far surpass mere survival and finish their course with success and victory. This power is the sustaining grace of God. Many Christians think of grace only in relation to salvation, but in this thirteen-lesson curriculum, we learn how deeply we need God’s grace for every mile. God’s grace equips us, strengthens us, renews us, and sustains us. And its free supply far exceeds our many demands These lessons encourage us to fuel our spiritual tanks with the grace needed to keep the pace throughout our entire Christian journey.

What's On Your Mind
Discover the Power of Biblical Thinking

The brain is still much of a mystery to modern science and medicine. Even so, controlling and directing our thoughts is still a mystery to many Christians. God desires to change our thinking as well as our behavior—for our living is always a product of our thinking. These lessons are about letting the mind of the Master become the master of your mind! It is about waging the war for your thoughts with more than human willpower. It is about true, biblical life-change. Each lesson applies God’s truth to the battle that every Christian fights every day—the battle for the mind. This class will challenge you with biblical principles and practical helps to be victorious in the struggle for their minds.